Our Uniform
Ready to learn and play
The uniform at Finch Nest Preschool consists of:
Forest Green Sweatshirt
Forest Green or Black Joggers
Forest Green Polo Shirt
Slippers (Indoor Shoes)
Wellie Boots
Waterproof Clothing
Spare Clothes (please provide several sets of spare clothes, including socks and underwear.)
Uniform can be purchased from a variety of places, such as supermarkets or high street shops. If you would like your child to wear a uniform embroidered with our logo, these can be purchased at https://www.brigade.uk.com/parents/school/FI8732PD/
There is no expectation for children to wear uniform with our logo, and plain alternatives are accepted in the correct colour scheme.
We are learning outside every day, so please do send your children to preschool prepared for all weather types, including:
Hats, scarves, gloves
Sun cream
Sun hats
Forest Green or Black Shorts
Other Equipment to Remember:
Water Bottle
Nappies (if applicable)
Wet Wipes, Nappy Sacks, Creams (if applicable)
Please ensure that all belongings and uniform are clearly labelled with your child's name.