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The Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Our curriculum encompasses all areas of the Early Years Foundation Stage in a child-led and supportive setting.  Our caring staff are observant to the interests and individuality of all the pupils on site, and plan activities and opportunities in line with our themes, which inspire and engage the children daily.  The children enjoy all seven areas of learning both inside and outside the setting and our staff are excited to learn and explore alongside them. Our dedication to your children is what motivates us to nurture their understanding of who they are and celebrate the similarities and differences of those around us.  Our hands-on approach allows your child to explore their curiosity with experiences that enhance their introduction to a life of learning, development and fun.


Seven Areas of Learning

  • Communication and Language
    At Finch Nest Preschool, we provide an environment that encourages the children to express themselves in a variety of ways, enhancing their language and communication skills, as well as developing their self-esteem and self-expression.  Staff model and communicate with the children to support their development in a robust language environment, which inspires an interest in reading.


  • Personal, Social and Emotional Development
    This area provides opportunities for children to shape their social skills and develops their understanding of complex feelings and emotions.  At Finch Nest Preschool, we aim to support the children in becoming respectful and culturally aware young people, with an understanding of themselves and others.


  • ​Physical Development
    This area provides the children with an understanding of the importance of physical activity and eating healthily.  At Finch Nest Preschool, we provide the children with a healthy and balanced diet, and educate the children on the benefits of this. The children are provided with regular opportunities to develop their fine and gross motor skills in a variety of contexts and resource-types.

  • Literacy
    This area provides the children with opportunities to explore sounds and the letters they relate to.  The children at Finch Nest Preschool use these opportunities to develop their reading, mark-making and writing skills through the wide-variety of daily activities on offer throughout every part of our setting


  • Mathematics
    The EYFS introduces the children to the world of Mathematics.  The children at Finch Nest Preschool are exposed to numbers and how to understand them physically, improve their counting skills and explore subtraction and addition. Experiencing shapes, spaces and measures through practical activities supports the children in seeing maths in the world around them.


  • Understanding the World
    This area enables the children to understand their place in the world through exploring their community, engaging with other people, places, technology and the environment.  At Finch Nest Preschool, we provide the children with opportunities to make sense of their physical world through hands-on experiences and observations.​


  • Expressive Arts and Design
    Expressive Arts and Design encourages the children to express their thoughts and feelings freely in a variety of ways and mediums. Music, Design and Technology, Dance, Role-Play, Technology, Art and Movement are explored by the children at Finch Nest Preschool as a media of expression, in both our indoor and outdoor environments.

Finch Nest Preschool Nature Farm Walk

'In The Moment' Planning

Children's curiosities and interests are sparked at various times of the day.  Our 'in the moment' planning ensures that those moments of curiosity, interest and enquiry are not lost and are used to enhance the children's learning.


Our staff are highly alerted to each individual child and their interests, ensuring they are on hand to make 'observations.' These observations are then explored further through questions and finding answers to help move the child's learning on as 'assessments.'  The assessments are used to extend these moments in the present, rather than introducing the next steps in a week or two.


Our children's interests are identified regularly, empowering our staff to assess and plan for them daily rather than week to week.

Image by Samuel Pollard

British Values

'British Values' have been identified as:


We ensure that all children at Finch Nest Preschool have their voice heard and have a means of communication for this.  This may be through the use of: language, body language, photographs, pictures, emotions cards, objects and pointing.  



Our children are supported to make positive behaviour choices and take responsibility for their actions. We communicate with the children at an age-appropriate level to understand the relationship between actions and consequences, both positive and negative. Our pre-school environment is consistent and predictable to further support the children.


Individual Liberty

Our children are taught that they have rights: including the right to choose the ideas or play that they participate in.

The children have opportunities to support one another to contribute to our caring environment. Our staff encourage the children to develop independence and undertake small tasks of responsibility - all with the outcome of increased self-esteem and wellbeing.


Cultural Understanding of Diversity

Every child at Finch Nest Preschool is respected and valued equally without regard to ability, gender, faith, heritage or race.

Our curriculum  provides opportunities for the children to encounter and participate in multi-faith celebrations in addition to British Culture.  In doing so, our children have a broadened awareness of other faiths and beliefs. 



At Finch Nest Preschool, we have a responsibility to promote good habits and safety online with our children - especially considering that most of our children encounter the internet as part of their home lives. 


As our children progress through the education system, they will be using the internet as an essential learning tool and statutory part of the National Curriculum.  Therefore it is vital that e-safety is introduced to the children from a young age.


For more resources, advice and information on e-safety, please follow the link below:


NSPCC - Keeping Children Safe Online

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